Parents often struggle to fit in exercise, especially when the kids are younger. It already feels like there isn’t enough time in the day to complete normal daily tasks, so stepping away from your young ones to add an additional 30-60 minutes of physical activity may seem impossible. However, we all know that regular exercise can improve mood, boost energy, and make you more productive. We say, bring them along!
1. Take a walk
Getting regular exercise doesn’t have to be complicated. Throw on some comfortable shoes and take the kids for a stroll down the block or in the local park. Even a 15-minute walk can boost mood and creativity, speed up the metabolism, and promote more restful sleep. Let your kids walk beside you until they tire out, and then push them along in a stroller.
What about walking to the store instead of using the car? In all of Hamax’s trailers, there is plenty of space in the rear for today’s dinner – and quite a bit more.

2. Go on a bike ride
Many families find that bike riding is a great activity for the whole family. It’s simple and fun for everyone, and children are excited and engaged in learning a new skill. If your kids are too young to ride along with you, there are options to bring them along in a bike trailer or a bike seat.
You can also use your bike to buy groceries, especially if you have a bike trailer with good space in rear for storing. If the child has fallen asleep on the way to the store, you can easily disconnect the bicycle arm and connect the stroller wheel – without waking the child – and then roll into the store.

3. Cross-Country ski
Don’t let the kids keep you inside this winter. Bring them on an adventure the whole family will love. If the children are too young to ski themselves, they can sit warm and comfortably inside the Outback.
With an extra skiing kit, the trailer is transformed into the perfect winter product where you can enjoy many skiing trips. When the children are older and want to try skiing themselves, they can hold a good grip on the handle to keep the balance and get some traction. When they are tired and need rest, they can climb into the trailer while mom or dad do the rest of the work.

4. Jogging
If you love jogging, you do not have to give it up even if you have children. With the jogging wheel you can easily turn the Outback into a jogger. And if you are planning a longer trip, bring a book, stuffed animals and maybe some music for the children to keep them busy.
But most often the children will fall asleep while mom or dad jogs, and the adjustable suspension makes the ride even more comfortable for the small ones.

5. Plan a weekend adventure
Sometime exercise just doesn’t fit into the schedule during the week. If you and the kids didn’t get a lot of physical activity in between Monday and Friday, you can always make up for it on the weekend!
Plan a weekend adventure with the whole family. It’s social, it doesn’t cost much and the kids will love it!