New developments at MIK
You may have already seen it: MIK HD. The latest development from MIK. With MIK Heavy Duty (HD), the brand brings an extra strong and safe variant of MIK onto the market. Thanks to MIK HD, child seats can be easily and safely clicked onto – and off – the carrier. All other MIK accessories, such as panniers, also fit on the MIK HD carriers. -baskets and crates. And that means that with MIK HD, child seats and bicycle accessories can now be easily exchanged. For safety reasons, the child seats only fit in MIK HD carriers, not in MIK carriers. But the other way around, all accessories always fit MIK HD carriers.
Another development at MIK is the arrival of colleague Sven Willems. As Senior Account Manager, Sven will help shape the growth and development of MIK and related products. Do you have any questions for Sven or would you like to meet him? Please contact us at: Good to know: mails can be send in Dutch, German or English.
MIK takes the next step with MIK HD
The first bicycle brands have now incorporated MIK HD into a number of their models. This means easy and safe fixation of child seats on the carriers of Moustache, Qwic, Electric Bike Co., Riese & Müller, Merida and Gazelle.

More than 100 products suitable for MIK
Basil is also expanding its MIK collection! The new collection consists of more than 21 new products suitable for MIK, including several products with a pre-mounted MIK adapter plate. This brings the total to over 100 products; the widest range for MIK.

About MIK
MIK is a revolutionary luggage carrier system for attaching accessories to the rack. The brand was developed by Massload and Basil. MIK opens up a world of possibilities for consumers, dealers, wholesalers, and manufacturers. MIK has been selected for the ‘’Chamber of Commerce Innovation Top 100’’, making Basil B.V. one of the most innovative companies in the Netherlands in 2020!