Cycling Heart Rate Monitors
Whether you prefer a watch or cycling computer with a heart rate monitor, these devices provide objective data to assess your performance and inform changes to your training. If you’re after a Wahoo, Bryton or Garmin cycling heart rate monitor, you’ll find an excellent range of premium quality options here on BikeChain.
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Cycling Heart Rate Monitors
Do I need a heart rate monitor for cycling?
In a nutshell- yes!
This nifty piece of tech can be the difference between marginal gains and making major progress on the bike. Indeed, most serious cyclists would not consider heading out for a spin without bringing a bike computer and heart rate monitor along with them. These devices are an excellent means of tracking your riding performance as well as the health of your heart. Whilst ‘going by feel’ has its advantages, a heart rate monitor for bike riding provides real-time, accurate data you can use to assess whether you’re working too hard or not hard enough!
How do I train with a heart rate monitor when cycling?
To begin with, you should know your Functional Threshold Heart Rate, or FTHR. This term refers to the riding intensity you can comfortably maintain for at least an hour. Knowing this then dictates your various training zone parameters.
Remember there is always a degree of heart rate lag time when you increase or decrease effort, so don’t expect to see data immediately leap in either direction. Also, if you are working out with a stationary bike heart rate monitor, then expect a lower heart rate than would be the case out on the road.
Need more help with cycling heart rate monitors?
Cycle training with a heart rate monitor can have a remarkable effect on your riding performance. We hope we’ve provided you with some good basic information but feel free to contact our team if we can be of any further help. We’re always happy to assist!
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